Allergies: Please check all that apply.
Please describe the allergic reaction you experienced and when it occurred:
Over-the-counter (OTC) issues: Please check all products that you use occasionally or regularly. Check all that apply.
Nutritional/Natural Supplements: Please identify and list the products you are using:
Medical Conditions/Diseases: Please check all that apply to you.
Current Prescription Medications:
List Hormones previously taken:
If YES, describe any problem(s).
Do you have a family history of any of the following?
Have you had any of the following tests performed? Check those that apply and note date of last test.
If YES, please explain (such as age when this occurred, symptoms...):
If YES, please explain symptoms:
What are your goals with taking BHRT?
Please rate the following symptoms:
Please write down any questions you have about Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.